Software Engineering Life
Dark mode
Light mode
3D Printing
FDM Filaments
Octopi - Rendering Timelapse failed with returned error code
Advanced File Renamer (Utilities)
Espanso Text Expander
Gmail (App)
Kindle (App)
Open Source Self Hosted Apps
Vale Prose Linter
Bobotie - South African curried mince pie (Recipe)
Boerewors Rolls (Recipe)
Chicken and Vegetable (Recipe)
Crunchy Tortilla Chicken with Avocado Salsa
Hotdogs (Recipe)
Karoo Slow-Roasted Lamb (Recipe)
Keto Recipes
Mash (Recipe)
Mash and Sausage (Recipe)
Mince and Vegetables (Recipe)
Mince, Vegetables and Brown Rice (Recipe)
Pap and Wors (Recipe)
Potato and Leak Soup (Recipe)
Recipe Database
Steak and vegetables (Recipe)
Steak with Broccoli and Potato Wedges (Recipe)
Toasted Bacon Tomato Cheese Sandwhich (Recipe)
Vetkoek with cheese and ham (Recipe)
Nova Classification - How processed is food
Recipes Dashboard
Azaka Gold Farm
Blish HUD
Captain of Industry (Game)
Diablo IV
Galadbolg Guide - Ascended Weapon
Guild Wars 2
Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms
Minecraft (Game)
Online Resources (GW2)
Satisfactory (Game)
World of Warcraft Character List
Stefan Sobkowiak - The Permaculture Orchard
Worm Hive - Multi-layered Stackable work bin
Graphic Design
Learn UI Design (Website)
ADHD and Keto Diet
Atrial Fibrillation
Fasting Mistakes
Glucose Monitor
Health MOC
How I tricked my brain to like doing hard things
Intermittent Fasting
Keto diet to treat ADHD
Ketogenic Diet
Medical Conditions
Resistance Band Workouts
Shoulder Impingement Syndrom
Somatic Awareness
The Pyramid Scheme Low Carb Documentary
Tips for Keeping A Gratitude Journal
Why should we practice gratitude
Write in the tense which makes sense to journal in
Ghosted (Movie)
The Bad Guys (Movie)
TV Series
Citadel (TV Series)
Gold Rush (TV Series)
Russian Doll (TV Series)
SWAT (TV Series)
The Mentalist (TV Series)
Yellowstone (TV Series)
Media MOC
Frission - Getting goosebumps from listening to music
Guitar MOC
How playing an instrument benefits your brain
Jacaranda FM
Justin Guitar
Justin Guitar - Grade 2 - Module 12
Music MOC
Network - IT
How do I reset the DNS cache
Too many redirects on nginx proxy manager and unraid
Allowance is not the right way to let your children learn about money
Biggest myth in education
Chore commission should be what you think it should be
Chore list by Age
Chore system for our children
Chores and commissions teaches your child good work ethics
How to properly Socialize Children
Organized Mom - Cleaning Method
Socialize Child
Toxic Relationships
What is a chore
@Ben Hong
@Dave Ramsey
@Jordan Peterson
@Naval Ravikant
Ali Abdaal
Dunbar's number
Tiago Forte
Personal Development
7 Goal-Setting Categories - Dave Ramsey
Childhood Trauma, Marriag and Making Friends - ep 307
Diary of a CEO
Everything you have right now - is enough - Quote
Goal setting categories
How to Maximize Dopamine & Motivation - Andrew Huberman
How To set Goals - Dave Ramsey
Learning a language
Podcasts to follow
Quantified Self
Speed Reading
System development
The Optimal Morning Routine - Andrew Huberman
Personal Knowledge Management
Atomic notes
Building a Second Brain + Writing a book with Tiago Forte
Building my second brain and becoming 10x productive as a software engineer
Cataloging, Classification, Information Science, PMKs and YOU!
Check second brain note template
Evergreen Notes
Johnny Decimal System
Link Your Thinking
Maps of Content
Markdown Front Matter bloob
Media Extended Plugin
Mem AI Note app
My PKM Process
Obsidian (App)
Obsidian Boiler Plate by @Ben Hong
Obsidian Setup and Settings
Obsidian Starter Vaults
Obsidian Templater Plugin
Programmable notes
Second brain Quickstart
Task overwhelm
The concept of "Personal" is key in setting up a personal knowledge management system
The Speed Reading Book - Tony Buzan
Tools are there to serve your goals - choose appropriately
Weekly Reflection Template
What is personal knowledge management?
Workflow for using second brain as a software developer
Hyto Tyto (Place)
Queenswood Medical Centre
Toutrek Park (Venue)
Common searches in Obsidian
Decision Fatigue
Decision Matrix - How to prioritize tasks
Dendron (Extension)
Front Matter (Extension)
Game of 3 choices
Gmail Keyboard Shortcuts
GTD Context cheat sheet
How Can I Make a Quick Note in Joplin
How I Manage My Time - The Trident Calendar System
How I organize my life
How to always run an app as administrator on Windows 10?
Mermaid Markdown Graph
Obsidian Quick Note
Productivity MOC
Professional Detachment
Project management for Individuals
RescueTime - Time management tool
Todo.txt (App)
Todo.txt (Format)
Toxic Productivity (Concept)
Cascading Style Sheets
CSS Filters
Fancy Border Generator
Cloud Services
Azure Active Directory
Azure API Management (APIM)
Azure App Configuration
Azure App Services
Azure Application Insights
Azure Arm Templates
Azure Cache for Redis
Azure Container Instances
Azure Container Registry
Azure Dapr - Distributed Application Runtime
Azure Devops Wiki Markdown Support
Azure Event Grid
Azure Event Hub
Azure Front Door
Azure Functions
Azure Notification Hub
Azure Roles
Azure Service Bus
Azure Storage Queue
Cloud Computing
Microsoft Azure
Microsoft Azure Developer Associate AZ-204 2023
Microsoft Azure DevOps Engineer Expert AZ-400 2023
Microsoft Certifications for Flowcentric
Microsoft Graph
ABC of troubleshooting
Block Protocol
Continuous Integration
Basic Authentication with OData
Blazor - Modern CSharp framework
CSharp Certification via FreeCodeCamp
CSVHelper - Import CSV data
Data Transfer Object (DTO)
DateTime comparison in CSharp
DateTimeOffset Conversions
Difference between Features and Epics
Format Date Time
How to Generate a GUID
How to see which version of dotnet is installed
Pagination in CSharp
Swagger API Integration Generators
find html element by partial id in jquery
Check to see if a file is a directory in NodeJS
10 life-saving PHP snippets -
10 super useful PHP snippets -
Automatically Remove Html Tags from a String
Basic PHP whois
Calculate age using date of birth
Calculate distances in PHP
Calculate execution time
Calculate Paypal fees
Check if a string starts with a specific pattern
Compress multiple CSS files
Convert seconds to time (years, months, days, hours…)
Convert strings to slugs
Extract emails from a string
Get current weather using Google API
Get domain favicon using PHP and Google
Get latitude and longitude from an adress
laravel clear route cache
Laravel create db table
Laravel JWT Token signature could not be verified
Laravel State Machine
PHP The basics
Php typecast to class
Regular Expressions
The Basics
Add conditional check to a Stored Proc Query
Add multiple columns to table in MS Sql
Combine multiple SQL Files into One
Create stored procedure in MS Sql
Determine date difference in MS Sql
Finding Duplicates with SQL
Get Birthdays for the month (Mysql)
MS Sql
3. Adobe Color(
Apache Http Server
AST Explorer
Blob Maker
Blob Maker 2
Clean up code in Visual Studio
Cody - AI Coding assistant
Connect to docker container for command line access
Deploy Ionic onto Netlify
Enabling Rewrite Engine on Apache
Git - Get Logs and dump to file
Git Clean local branches
Git Clean local branches
Github Flow
Gitignore templates
Gitlab Flow
Keep a folder in a repo that is also meant to be empty
Visual Studio 2019
Visual Studio 2022
Angular 404 on refresh
Angular ngIf
Angular update query params without ui reload
Force file download
Get all the files in a directory with NodeJS
Get short urls for Twitter
Get the file names that changed since last tag - GIT
Get the foreign keys to a table in MS Sql
Get the full error message (PHP)
Get the text between $start and $end
Get Waves
Get your average Feedburner subscribers
Have a backup of original data when updating data
Highlight specific words in a phrase
How can I do a sql compare
How Senior Programmers ACTUALLY write code
How to add authentication to Swagger UI
How to add existing project to new solution
How to add more details to a dotnet core api endpoint
How to Create a Cron Job (Scheduled Task) for Your Website or Blog
How to enable modules in Apache2 _ VIRTUALISTIC
How to fix 'exec user process caused no such file or directory' in Docker on Windows
How to fix npm install permissions on Ubuntu
How to install Swashbuckle in .net core
How to install the latest NodeJS on Ubuntu
How to restore lost sa password for MS SQL
HTTP Header-based versioning in ASP.NET Core
Human Memory limit
If programming is magic, what is the mana
Install Docker on Ubuntu
ISO 8601 International DateTime Format
JavaScript Factory Functions with ES6+ _ by Eric E
Junior php questions
Lexical Scope in JavaScript – Beginner's Guide
Linux - check which ports are in use
List of All Snippets
Log changes on a database for SQL Server
Maintenance mode with PHP
Make bank statement text copy into columns (Regular Expression)
No package version found - dotnet
Non-host console app logging
Object-oriented CSS
OData (Open Data Protocol)
OData integration Generator
Online SQL Formatter
Open Source Society University
Parse custom date time format
Pikapod - Docker hosting
Plain Old CSharp Objects (POCOs)
Prevent js and css files from being cached
Programming Cartoons
Programming Notes DB
Query String-Based Versioning in ASP.NET Core
Refactoring Guru
Remove URLs from string
Replace Joplin image with Obsidian Image
Roadmap and Guides for Developers
Save url to PDF
Search for a string in another string
Sending a File using HttpClient in CSharp
Setup Ubuntu 13.04
Simple email tracking in PHP
Software Engineering
Software Requirement Specification Template
Split text up into 140 char array for Twitter
Sql server management studio dark mode
Super simple page caching - Open Source User Authentication Service (Website)
SVN Tips and tricks
Switch php version on Ubuntu
TableConvert - Excel to Markdown Table Converter
Template Transcoding in Laravel
The Great Gatsby Bootcamp - Full GatsbyJS Tutorial Course
The Modern Javascript Tutorial
The Valley of Code
Transform URL to hyperlinks
Trunk-based Development
Uploading files in CSharp using .net core
URL based versioning in ASP.NET Core
Using the Windows COM in PHP « Justin Martin
Validate if a string is a valid date time object in CSharp
VIM Cheatsheet
WKHtmlToPDF - Html to PDF Command line tool
Wrap code in a region in VS Studio
Curiosity is one of the permanent and certain characteristics of a vigorous intellect
Drink sayings
I Refuse To Answer On The Grounds That I May Incriment myself
If you chase two rabbits, you will not catch either one
Naval Ravikant - Retirement is when you don_t have to sacrifice today in hope of a better tomorrow
Unraid Server
Expand docker storage on Unraid
HDD prices per GB
VIM 7.3 Highlight long lines
Vimrc file
Web App Ideas
Content management system
Event management
Invoice and quoting system
Online examination tool
Photo content delivery
Print shop management
Task feeder
To-Do Application
Transportation for loads of goods, produce etc
Password transmission
Photo-Voltaic cells
Population Collapse is Coming - Elon Musk, Dr Shanna Swan and Jordan Peterson
Resources MOC
Tag: language
2 items with this tag.
Dec 09, 2024
Replace Joplin image with Obsidian Image
Dec 09, 2024
Obsidian Quick Note