Language:: PHP
Type::snippet Back-end
Description:: Ever wondered how spammers can get your email address? That’s simple, they get web pages (such as forums) and simply parse the html to extract emails. This code takes a string as a parameter, and will print all emails contained within. Please don’t use this code for spam
`01.``function` `extract_emails(`` $str ``){`
`02.``// This regular expression extracts all emails from a string:`
`03.`` $regexp ` `= ``'/([a-z0-9_\.\-])+\@(([a-z0-9\-])+\.)+([a-z0-9]{2,4})+/i'``;`
`04.``preg_match_all(`` $regexp ``, `` $str ``, `` $m ``);`
`06.``return` `isset(`` $m ``[0]) ? `` $m ``[0] : ``array``();`
`09.`` $test_string ` `= 'This is a test string...`
`13.``Test different formats:`
`15.``<a href=``""``>foobar</a>`
`18.``strange formats:`
`28.``print_r(extract_emails(`` $test_string ``));`