Productivity MOC

Productivity, as it relates to work, is something that has been always talked about in the work place. How do you measure productivity is also one of the biggest issues as some measure time spent and others work done.

I spent 3 hours on administration vs I completed 5 administration tasks. The equation seems to be work done in time taken equals productivity?

A metric that can be forgotten is the complexity of tasks. If Susan does 5 administration tasks in 3 hours but Sarah only does 1 complex task, who was more productive?

Another thing to remember is that no one can be 100% productive everyday of their work careers. After many years of working in an office and working from home, I can say that a normal workday is about 7 hours, with 1 hour put out for impromptu calls and discussions. That leaves 6 hours to actually get work done. If you are wondering where that other 1 hour goes, it goes for personal breaks (Yes, it can take up that much time, but I am trying to be conservative here) and should there be more than usual interruptions.

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