Up:: PKM Goals MOC

Weekly Reflection Template

Tags: #reflection
# Decisions, planning and goals
- [ ] Review quarterly plan -> [[Plan Q2 2021]]
#### ✍️ Want to get something off your chest?
I feel like .... 
### ⛰ Goals
##### 4️⃣ What are your goals for the next 3 years again? 
##### 📆 What are your goals for this year?
##### 🏁 At the current trajectory, are you headed where you want to go?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No, because... 
##### ☑️ What have you done specifically this week, to reach your goals? 
### 🥱 Procrastination
##### ⌛️ What did you procrastinate on?
##### 💩 How are you bullshitting yourself?
##### 💪 What will you do about it? 
### 🗺 Planning the coming week
##### ⚡️ Noteworthy events this oncoming week?
##### 🗑 ✨ Eliminate waste: What can you say no to? What can you remove from your life?
> Remember: Peter Drucker: “There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all.”
##### 🔭 What can you do RIGHT now that gets you faster to your goal. Most decisions are reversible. 
##### 🎯 Goals for coming week:
- [ ] I want to
#### 🐣 Is your morning and efficiency routine properly secured?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
### 🗺 Decision review
###### 🚀 Highlights of this week?
###### 👎 2 bad choices?
###### 🤔 What have you learned?
###### 🧗‍ What have you improved/learned about yourself this week?
###### 👏 Last weeks productivity?
- [ ] Distracted 🙁
- [ ] Acceptable 🙂
- [ ] Focused 🤩
###### 😀 Did what you're passionate about?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No, but...
###### 🗑 [Muda](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muda_(Japanese_term)#:~:text=Muda%20(%E7%84%A1%E9%A7%84%2C%20on'yomi,others%20being%20mura%20and%20muri).): 
# Willpower & habit building
### Did you stick to your habit in maintenance?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No, so I will..
Did you:
- [ ] 🔥 Live at the edge of your ability (willpower struggle)?
- [ ] 👂 Did you listen enough? Did you ask questions, without speaking?
- [ ] 🐲 Say no to most things?
- [ ] 🧠 Did you intentionally *dedicate* flow states?
- [ ] 🧠 Did you _improve thinking_ with your second brain?
- [ ] 📚 Did you read consistently?
- [ ] ❤️ Feel love and give love, regardless of how you feel?
- [ ] 🧠 Very little distractions (insta, mail, conversation)?
- [ ] 🤣 Laughing and socializing with meaningful people?
- [ ] 🥕 Healthy eating?
- [ ] ☺️ Real alone time?
- [ ] 👏 Live by the four stoic cardinal virtues (justice, temperance, fortitude, prudence)?
- [ ] 🍽 Fasting?
- [ ] 🔮 Think in second order consequences?
Remember flow-killing habits:
- Work with phone close to my desk
- Instant messaging
- Procrastinate
- Spend psychic energy on food choices, clothing choices, relationship issues, superficial socializing
**Remember**: the first 10 minutes of a 90 minute (altradian rhythm) deep work block are always going to be hard. That's okay.
#### 🤩 What enjoyable ideas did you play with? 
#### 🍼 Any bad habits you saw develop this week?
- [ ] Nope!
- [ ] Yes, and I'll do the following about them:
#### 🤩 Check your productivity planner; how was energy and engagement level per task?
####  🧠 Remember these things 
![[My values]]

📇 Additional Metadata