Split text up into 140 char array for Twitter

Language:: PHP Type::#type/snippet Back-end

Description:: As you probably know, Twitter only accepts messages of 140 characters or less. If you want to interact with the popular social messaging site, you’ll enjoy this function for sure, which will allow you to truncate your message to 140 characters.

`01.``function`  `split_to_chunks(``$to``,``$text``){`
`02.``$total_length`  `= (140 - ``strlen``(``$to``));`
`03.``$text_arr`  `= ``explode``(``" "``,``$text``);`
`06.``foreach`  `(``$text_arr`  `as`  `$word``){`

`07.``if`  `( ``strlen``(``$message``[``$i``] . ``$word`  `. ``' '``) <= ``$total_length`  `){`

`08.``if`  `(``$text_arr``[``count``(``$text_arr``)-1] == ``$word``){`
`09.``$message``[``$i``] .= ``$word``;`
`10.``} ``else`  `{`
`11.``$message``[``$i``] .= ``$word`  `. ``' '``;`
`13.``} ``else`  `{`
`15.``if`  `(``$text_arr``[``count``(``$text_arr``)-1] == ``$word``){`
`16.``$message``[``$i``] = ``$word``;`
`17.``} ``else`  `{`
`18.``$message``[``$i``] = ``$word`  `. ``' '``;`
`22.``return`  `$message``;`

Source: http://www.phpsnippets.info/split-text-up-into-140-char-array-for-twitter