Basic PHP whois

Whois services are extremely useful to get basic information about a domain name: owner, creation date, registrar, etc. Using PHP and the whois unix command, it is extremely easy to create a basic whois PHP function. Please note that the whois unix command must be installed on your server for this code to work.

01.$domains = array('', ''); 02. 03.function creation_date($domain) { 04.$lines = explode("\n", whois $domain); 05.foreach($lines as $line) { 06.if(strpos(strtolower($line), 'created') !== false) { 07.return $line; 08.} 09.} 10. 11.return false; 12.} 13. 14.foreach($domains as $d) { 15.echo creation_date($d) . "\n"; 16.} » Credits: Snipplr

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Type::#type/snippet Origin:: 10 super useful PHP snippets - Language:: PHP