Maintenance mode with PHP

  • Language:: PHP
  • Type:: Back-end
  • Context:: When you have to maintenance on your site

When updating your site, it is generally a good thing to temporarily redirect your users to a “Maintenance” page so they will not see any critical info such as error messages.

This is generally done using an .htaccess file, but it can be done easily with PHP:

`01.``function`  `maintenance(``$mode`  `= FALSE){`
`03.``if``(``basename``(``$_SERVER``[``'SCRIPT_FILENAME'``]) != ``'maintenance.php'``){`
`08.``if``(``basename``(``$_SERVER``[``'SCRIPT_FILENAME'``]) == ``'maintenance.php'``){`
  • Dependencies:: – link to any other code or packages that are relevant or that you need to use this snippet

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