If you’re using different CSS files on your site, they might take quite long to load. Using PHP, you can compress them into a single file with no unnecessary white spaces or comments.
This snippet has been previously discussed on my “3 ways to compress CSS files using PHP ” article.
`01.``header(``'Content-type: text/css'``);`
`03.``function` `compress(`` $buffer ``) {`
`04.``/* remove comments */`
`05.`` $buffer ` `= preg_replace(``'!/\*[^*]*\*+([^/][^*]*\*+)*/!'``, ``''``, `` $buffer ``);`
`06.``/* remove tabs, spaces, newlines, etc. */`
`07.`` $buffer ` `= ``str_replace``(``array``(``" \n "``, ``""``, ``" \n "``, ``" \t "``, ``' '``, ``' '``, ``' '``), ``''``, `` $buffer ``);`
`08.``return` ` $buffer ``;`
`11.``/* your css files */`
Source: http://www.phpsnippets.info/compress-css-files-using-php