A base cms that will be extendible to the degree of doing all projects. Basic user, menu, pages, multi-site, media management. Simple rss feed, with api.

Site: Different template per subdomain Different pages per subdomain Different menus per subdomain with ability to duplicate menu os needed to.

Menu: Menu items will be role based. Menus will have unlimited depth.

Pages: Content area with ckeditor.

Media management: Ability to upload jpg,png,gif,swf,mpg,mov Must be able to manage folders for where to upload media.

Users: Single table for users. Password will have salt and sha1 hashed. User can belong to multiple groups. Resources can be assigned to groups or single user.

Template management: Ability to set layouts, images, css and template specific js. Look into creating blocks for certain areas to display different modules.

Installer: A nice installer to install the cms. Ability to update from a remote location

Poll an update folder and install if an update was downlaoded from the main site.

Ability to make updates optional or mandatory. Set a time for the updater to run.

Above systems will have to be modular and extendible.