Online examination tool


A Platform for teachers and students to go and take dummy exams for practice. Teachers will be able to sell exams and students be able to buy exams.

teachers will be able to offer the exams for free for a premium subscription.

Pre-primary: 1 teacher, 1 exam, 30 questions, 3 retakes.

Primary: 3 teachers, 10 exams, 50 questions each, 3 retakes $3

High School: 20 teachers, Unlimited exams, Unlimited Questions, Unlimited Retakes $9

College: Higher Education, Sell exams, Issue Certificates $29


primary * 500 = 4500; College * 100 = $2900;

Total = $8900/month;

Possible names: Quiznos, exammate, exampal, exambud, exam

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